Who are

POSEIDON is a collaborative EU project that aims to develop tools and methods to help foster the transition from existing districts into Positive Energy Districts (PEDs).

POSEIDON plans on accomplishing this ambitious goal by combining solutions that address energy, environmental, and social aspects of district sustainability.

The project focuses on the development of a methodology for Mediterranean cities which, in addition to presenting similar climatic characteristics, share common social customs and lifestyles.

Our launch


Read more on what we’ve been up to…

Antalya Urban Lab

Antalyalab underway POSEIDON is a collaborative EU project that aims to develop tools and methods to help foster the transition from existing districts into Positive Energy Districts (PEDs).We had a workshop inMadrid with blah blah…

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Workshops underway

Workshop INMadrid POSEIDON is a collaborative EU project that aims to develop tools and methods to help foster the transition from existing districts into Positive Energy Districts (PEDs).We had a workshop inMadrid with blah blah… More info on workshop and

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Welcome to the POSEIDON webpage. We’ll be online soon! Meanwhile, have a look at our promo video to obtain more info. about us.

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Demo Sites

The demosites are divided between Lighthouses and Observers. The Lighthouses will be the first to test and validate MCDA and POSEIDON tool, while the Observers will identify the possible barriers that they might encounter in the replication phase.Meanwhile, the POSEIDON Labs will be launched and tested in all the demosites simultaneously.


Alcorcón, Spain

Lighthouse demosite

Alcorcón is a municipality that belongs to the metropolitan area of the city of Madrid. In recent years, the municipality has been strongly promoting a policy of sustainability in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and promotion of Energy Communities.


Rome, Italy

Lighthouse demosite

The neighbourhood is representative of some major types of urban patterns in Rome, with different relationships between built areas and open spaces. It allows for different possible scales of intervention that can condition the organization of a decentralized energy production system.


Marseille, France

Lighthouse demosite

Marseille is a city of strong contrasts: new and environmentally friendly neighbourhoods coexist with a deteriorated historic centre and impoverished northern areas. POSEIDON aims to bring together all these contrasting characteristics of the city and make them a model for Mediterranean and coastal European cities.


Antalya, Türkiye

Observer demosite

The largest Turkish city on the Mediterranean coast, Antalya is seen as the capital of tourism in Türkiye. The city has been committed to sustainability for years, and acts as demosite for several European projects. These experiences will facilitate data collection, scenario definition and help identify possible barriers. 


Cesena, Italy

Observer demosite

A municipality located in Emilia-Romagna, Cesena approaches the valorisation of the urban environment as a cultural, social and economic investment. The development of integrated and sustainable urban practices is pursued actively by the municipality.


Cascais, Portugal

Observer demosite

Cascais is a city located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Region. The municipality’s climate action department is driving the development and implementation of innovative solutions that promote climate change adaptation and mitigation, such as energy efficiency solutions, soft mobility, NBS, spatial planning and urban design.
